Investigative Treatment Options
Some treatments are still investigational only, while other therapies are only offered as part of clinical trials. For more information about these investigational therapies, ask your physician.
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT)
Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, or SBRT, refers to the delivery of very high doses of radiation in one hour treatment sessions administered in up to five sessions over a two week period. It is sometimes referred to as the brand name "Cyberknife." For prostate cancer, SBRT, has had limited research studies to demonstrate whether or not it has similar, inferior, or superior side effects and results as compared with IG-IMRT and brachytherapy.
SBRT has not been endorsed as a standard treatment of care for prostate cancer.
Proton Beam
Proton beam refers to a type of external beam radiation therapy which uses charged particles that can deposit their energy over a short distance. Proton beam is still in the investigational phase for the treatment of prostate cancer, and it is not clear whether or not this therapy will have similar, inferior or superior long-term results as compared to IG-IMRT or brachytherapy.