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4 Steps to Take the Urge Out of Urge Incontinence

Lifestyle Changes Can Help You Manage Symptoms of Overactive Bladder (OAB)

When it comes to overactive bladder (OAB), management of symptoms is the number one focus. Some women with mild symptoms of OAB may benefit from making small lifestyle changes that can have a big effect on improving bladder symptoms.

  1. Maintain a healthy weight – Being overweight or obese can aggravate the symptoms of OAB and increase the occurrence of urinary incontinence due to stress on the bladder. Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight may help alleviate some of your OAB symptoms.
  2. Manage fluid intake – Your urologist may recommend that you limit the amount of fluid you take in throughout the day. Your doctor can tell you how much daily fluid you need and how to healthily reduce fluid intake, which may help minimize your OAB symptoms.
  3. Avoid bladder irritating foods – There are certain foods and liquids that can aggravate your bladder symptoms. Caffeine, artificial sweeteners, chocolate, alcohol, certain sodas, citrus and acidic and spicy foods can irritate the bladder and worsen your symptoms. Try limiting or eliminating these foods from your diet.
  4. Keep a bladder diary – Keep track of when and how often you go to the bathroom to urinate to help your doctor better understand your OAB symptoms.